Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

bee anatomy

Types of Bees
Bees are included in the class of insects and insect species that belong in a cold-blooded animals that is influenced by changes in body temperature of the surrounding air temperature. According Sumoprastowo and Suprapto (1993), including honey bees in the family Apidae. There are in Europe, Africa, and Asia. In Apidaae, honey and pollen stored in a vertical strokes, and the larvae raised in the same strokes.
According to Hasanuddin (2003), the classification of honey bees are as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Genus: Apis
Species: Apis Andreniformis
Apis Cerana
Apis nigrocineta
Apis dorsata
Apis florea
Apis koschevnikovi
Apis laboriosa
Apis mellifera

According to SIH (1997) A.andreniformis, A.cerana, and A.dorsata is natural bee Indonesia, A.florea in Yunan, China, A.koschevnikovi in Sarawak (Borneo), in the Himalayas and A.mellifera A.laboriosa derived from central sea area.
Honeybees are social insects that live clustered to form koloni.Dari 20 000 bee species are known only honey bees that produce honey (Rusfidra, 2006). According to Sarwono (2001) Apidae family is kind of true honey-producing bees. The most important as producing honey and wax is honey bees of the genus Apis. Honeybees are social insects that live clustered to form koloni.Dari 20 000 bee species are known only honey bees that produce honey (Rusfidra, 2006). According to Sarwono (2001) Apidae family is kind of true honey-producing bees. The most important as producing honey and wax is honey bees of the genus Apis.

Morphology and Anatomy of the Honey Bees
a. Morphology (External Structure)
Honey bee's body consists of three main parts: the head (caput), chest (thorax) and abdomen (abdomen). Like insects, bees do not have an internal skeleton muscles knit place, but instead is an external body cover containing Chitin and cover internal organs.

b. Anatomy (Internal Structure)
Anatomy of the honey bee in this regard include the digestive system, sensing system, and reproductive systems. Digestive systems of honey bees in a row are: mouth, osefagus, bags of honey, proventriculus, ventriculus, small intestine, large intestine, colon and rectum. Sensing system in honey bees includes the senses sight, smell, and sense of touch. In the case of the reproductive system, reproductive organs are fully developed in only the drone of bees and queens. A queen bee can lay up a productive 1000-2000 eggs per day.

Honey Bees Habitat
One condition is the presence of live bees crops. In general, bees can live in all parts of the earth, except in polar regions. This is due in the polar regions there are no plants that become a source of bee forage. In tropical bees can breed with good and productive throughout the year because the plants as a source of feed available continues. In sub-tropical areas are not productive bees in the winter (Suranto, 2004).
In the wild bees living in the caves in the forest, including the cliff-cliff. In the forest, colonies of bees also live in hollow trees. While at the ranch where the bees live in a hive has provided its name.

Honey Bee Colonies
Honeybees live in a large family called the colony, who resided in one hive (Rusfidra, 2006). Until now, the general types of colonies that are cultivated species and apis mellifera apis Cerana. (Hasanuddin, 2003). Inside there is a bee colony queen, several hundred male bees and tens of thousands of bees pekerja.Menurut Ashari (1998), this amount depends on the effectiveness of pollination and food conditions (interest) local. Each member of the colony have the work done on functional and professional.
Tues nest or a comb, a kind of night is where the bees are clustered. Tues hive or the comb used as a food storage area and place the egg / maintenance keturunannya.Jumlah stored food in the nest depends on the condition of flora, the weather, the number of bees perkoloni, and types of bees.

Queen Bees
Queen bee colony is a leader and take responsibility for the integrity and kekompakkan colony. This queen female and there is only one male in each colony, the main task is to produce eggs for colony development. The biggest queen size, nearly twice its body length and weighing nearly three times the worker bees. Queens can reach the age of six years (Suranto, 2004).

Drones come from unfertilized eggs. This serves as a bee bee pemacek, ie marrying young queen. If lucky, a drone can only mate once during their lives, because after successfully marrying the queen, the bees will die. Because of its lazy, when the food crisis, many male bees killed by worker bees (Rusfidra, 2003).

Worker Bees
Bees are a group of workers whose numbers at most in the colony. Worker bees are also derived from a fertilized egg cell. Ovaries are not fully developed so it can not lay eggs. Worker bees responsible for the welfare of the colony. Except for reproductive tasks, all work on honey bee colony is fully performed by the worker bees.
Duties in accordance with the development of worker bees age. From start to hatch until the age of three days as a janitor. Age 3-12 days as a nurse in charge of the larvae. From that day to create and polish on duty 13-18 strokes nest. From age 18 to 20 act as the guardian and keep the freshness of the air inside the nest. Start day-to-20 until the coming of death on duty bees collect nectar, pollen, propolis and water. The days old worker bees act as guides for the young bees to find the location of the collection of nectar, pollen, propolis and water (Rusfidra, 2003)
Medium Honey Bees Looking for Food

Medium Honey Bees Looking for Food
bee anatomy
sisiran sarang. Dari umur 18 sampai 20 bertindak sebagai pengawal dan menjaga kesegaran udara di dalam sarang. Mulai hari ke-20 sampai datangnya kematian lebah bertugas mengumpulkan nektar, polen, propolis dan air. Dimasa tuanya lebah pekerja berperan sebagai pemandu bagi lebah muda untuk mencari lokasi pengumpulan nektar, polen, propolis dan air (Rusfidra,2003)
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anatomi lebah

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